It is easy to say that we are the best, biggest and the best. But by showing the facts that support our arguments are communication both believable and interesting. Please use these facts when you talk about Sodertalje:
- Södertälje has over 96 000 inhabitants, of them about 50% of foreign-born
- They talk about 80 different languages in Södertälje
- Saltå mill was appointed in 2015 and 2016, Sweden's most sustainable brand
- Scania is represented in about one hundred countries worldwide and is headquartered in Sodertalje
- There are over 7400 companies in Södertälje
- 87% of all businesses are small businesses with less than 5 employees
- 630 new companies founded in Södertälje in 2016
- Approximately 4130 units in Sodertalje turnover of more than SEK 100 000 / year
- There are almost 50 000 jobs in Södertälje
- Södertälje is Sweden's 20th largest city
- About 50% of the purchase of food for public kitchens are organic
- SBBKs Kings have won national championships in basketball for several years in a row
- Tom Tits Experiment was named Stockholm 'favorite museum in 2015
- In Järna are approximately 450 companies
- 2.3 million people reach Södertälje in less than an hour
- In Södertälje there are 24 nature reserves, 707 islands and 86 lakes
- New nice bridges that private boats can moor at available on the Oaxen? Enjoy the beautiful scenery, limestone quarry and summer activities organized on the island
- A number of business owners and individuals have created a unique meeting place outside on Evita, Mörkö where everyone is welcome for a creative workshop and collaboration
- Sweden's largest producer of organic cucumbers are in Lina
- Approximately 1.6 million people visit annually Sodertalje
- Carl Fredrik Liljevalch home is in Sodertalje
- Sweden's first female journalist, wendela hebbe, from Sodertalje
- Sodertalje Science Park Sustainable production as the main field
- Södertälje is Sweden's 34th best place to live in according to the survey by the magazine Focus. The year before, they were at an 38th place
- Södertälje has been appointed to have the best school food according to White Guide Junior and has an incredibly rich food culture
- One of the world's largest beach volleyball facilities, The Beach, found in Södertälje. Here you will find among other 13 divisions and a beach volleyball gymnasium. The Beach 2, which is under construction is planned to be ready for occupancy in 2016 will be the world's largest beach volleyball hall and is located in Flemingsberg just outside Sodertalje
- Sweden's best skatepark will find in Södertälje as skateboarding elite. The park is 1000 m2, has lighting and caters to skaters, roller skaters and BMX bikers
- Sodertalje is the first in Sweden to run the wireless charging of electric buses. This project started in 2016 and runs as scheduled by the city.
- Sodertalje is the world's second best sports city as SVT Sport
- Since 2012, the Uppsala Innovation Center (UIC), the heart of efforts to stimulate more vigorous growth in Sodertalje. Companies receive support in entrepreneurship and business development and UIC acts as a business incubator
- The municipality is named Sweden's most creative municipality under the Gothenburg School
- Södertälje is a Fairtrade City. This means that the public and private sector taking joint responsibility for that consumed as much as possible is made in a fair manner
- 18 kindergartens and schools 3 are certified according Eco
- The share of organic food in municipal activities is over 50%, resulting in Sodertalje 4: eplacering among all Swedish municipalities.
- Ytterjärna is a culture that mixes artists and show with organic and local food. Here you can also see how organic farming works. Ytterjärna have visitors from all over Europe
- 6% by Södertälje municipality area is a nature reserve. In total there are 24 pieces
- Södertälje residents' average age is 39 years old
- Södertälje is 694 square kilometers to the surface
- In Sodertalje live 173, 4 people per sq.km.
- The holo-Mörkö you are close to the archipelago and many choose to move here because of the good communications with the urban area and that you can get access to the rural life
- In Södertälje there are approximately 20,000 rental units
- Vaasa marketplace has 1200 free parking spaces and is Södertälje's largest external trading with many well-known stores
- There are 17 municipal elementary schools in Södertälje